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Frequently asked questions

You are certainly asking yourself the same questions as others?
We answer your questions.

Here are the questions that we are generally asked, you will certainly find answers to all your different questions.

How much does the procedure cost in your practice?

The cost of the procedure depends on the chosen program and the number of people included in the file.

Medical visits are included in the procedure fees?

The costs of medical visits are not included in the procedure costs. For the simple reason that we are not authorized to carry out these tests.

What is the guarantee for the success of the procedure?

The Canadian visa is a favor given by the Canadian immigration officer. We are procedural facilitators.

What are the stages of the procedure (study, work)

The first steps of a procedure
Obtain a registration permit in a university or a training school...
Work: Have an employment contract with a labor market impact study. This will allow you to boost your request...

Are there methods of circumventing the financial guarantee? (Case of studies) or is it mandatory?

Financial security for students and settlement funds for workers are COMPULSORY. The immigration officer needs to know that you have the financial resources necessary for your support during the first 3 months.

What are the reasons that can cause a visa application to be rejected?

The immigration officer being the person in charge of the study of the files, can reject applications for the following reasons:
- Insufficient financial guarantee.
- Application for study permit unfounded.
- False documents in the file etc.

Is it possible to be guided by the consultant by doing the procedure yourself but only paying the consultation fee?

YES !! We can guide you in your procedure when you start the process yourself. You pay the sum of 50000f. You will not be charged any additional costs.

Are fees refundable in case of failure?

NO: the fees paid are not refundable because the professional service contract we use is given to us by the college of immigration consultants and in this contract, it is strictly forbidden to make conditional billings.

Is the firm reliable? Is it possible to get in touch with the consultant?

- Yes the firm is reliable, you can find us on the website of the college of immigration and citizenship consultants, the CCIC.
- Yes it is possible to get in touch with the consultant, his contact is on the site and on all our pages.

How long does the procedure take?

The duration of a procedure depends on the program chosen and the serenity of the immigration officer.

Contact us

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Do not panic, contact us via this contact form, we usually respond within a minute.

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